

Billed annually



Billed annually

Most Popular



Billed annually



Billed annually

General information
Packages Startup Standard Proffessional Enterprise
Storage 100GB 500GB 1000GB 3TB
Users 10 users 25 users 50 users Unlimited users
Info System
Universities checked checked checked checked
Program Search checked checked checked checked
Announcements empty checked checked checked
Questions & Answers empty checked checked checked
Public Search Engine Soon empty empty checked Customized
CRM System
Leads View (Basic) checked checked checked checked
Deals View (Basic) checked checked checked checked
Leads Requirements (Standard) empty checked checked Customized
Deals Requirements (Standard) empty checked checked Customized
Leads Requirements (Advanced) empty empty checked Customized
Deals Requirements (Advanced) empty empty checked Customized
Leads Automation empty empty checked Customized
Deals Automation empty empty checked Customized
Tasks Management (Basic) checked checked checked checked
Tasks Management (Advanced) Soon empty checked checked checked
Public Forms (Basic) Soon checked checked checked Customized
Public Forms (Standard) Soon empty checked checked checked
Public Forms (Advanced) Soon empty empty checked checked
Admission System
Applications View (Basic) checked checked checked checked
Students View (Basic) checked checked checked checked
Admission Automation (Standard) +250$ checked checked checked
Admission Automation (Advanced) empty empty checked checked
Deals Via Applications Connection empty checked checked checked
Marketing Tools
WhatsApp Integration (Wazzupp) Setup Fees → 100$ checked checked checked
Facebook Integration Setup Fees → 100$ checked checked checked
Instagram Integration Setup Fees → 100$ checked checked checked
Campaigns Messages Soon empty checked checked checked
All-In-One Chat Beta
(Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram)
empty +250$ checked checked
Smart Analytics
Basic Analytics checked checked checked checked
Advanced Analytics Soon checked checked checked checked
Smart Analysis by AI Preparing empty empty checked checked
Custom Domain ( empty checked checked checked


Frequantly asked Questions

Eduncy offers four subscription packages: Startup, Standard, Professional, and Enterprise, each with varying features and pricing to suit the needs of different agencies.

Pricing for each package is based on factors such as storage capacity, number of users, and additional features included. Our pricing is transparent and competitive, offering value for agencies of all sizes.

Yes, startup companies can enjoy a 15% discount on their subscription.

Yes, you can upgrade or downgrade your subscription plan at any time to better suit your agency's needs. Our flexible pricing options allow you to adjust your plan as your agency grows and evolves.

No, there are no additional fees or hidden costs associated with our subscription packages. The pricing you see is transparent and inclusive of all features and services offered by Eduncy.

No, we don't offer a free trial period because we customize the product for your brand. However, you can pay a one-time setup fee of $250 (included in your next active package price) to request a customized brand and see how it can benefit your agency.

You're free to cancel at any time! Your current plan will remain active until the end of your billing cycle.

We do not offer refunds. If you cancel your plan before the next renewal cycle, you will retain access to paid features until the end of your subscription period