Latest Updates Version 1.5 (21/8/2024)

The Update Includes:

-Added the the Ability to Multi-Select Leads and Stages so you can move them easily
-Added Sound For New Messages
-Added Sound And Notification for various CRM Activities
-Added the Ability to Filter Your Activities/Tasks
-Added the Ability to Filter Your Chats by Unread/Read/Lead Name
-Added the Ability to Sort Programs by Price and University Name
-Added the Ability to change your E-mail
-Program Filtering Enchantments
-UI Improvements
-CRM System Performance Enhanced
-Reworked Text Editor and Added Text Alignment
-Other Bugs Fixes

Info System

  • Sort Programs by Price

    You can now sort program prices in both ascending and descending order. Find the best options that fit your budget with ease!


  • Enhanced Downloading PDF Speed
    When you download PDF It is now faster.

CRM System

  • Added the Ability to Filter Your Activities/Tasks

You can now filter your activities and tasks with ease in our CRM system. This new feature allows you to quickly find and manage your activities based on various criteria like student name, description, status, and more.

  • Stay Informed: Receive Notifications for New Messages

We’ve added a new feature that allows you to receive notifications when you get a new message. Stay connected and never miss an important update!

Important Note: You can mute your notification sounds by clicking on the bell icon at the top of the screen.

  • Stay Informed: Receive Notifications for Mentions/Comments
    We’ve added a new feature that allows you to receive notifications when you get a Mention.
  • Stay Informed: Receive Notifications for Changing Application Stages
    We’ve added a new feature that allows you to receive notifications when someone changes the application stage.

  • Different Notifications Sounds  For New Messages and CRM Activities
    Added Different Notifications Sounds when you receive Mentions/Changing Application stages and New Messages
  • Multi-Select Leads and Stages

    You can now multi-select all leads within a stage and move them to another stage in one action, making your workflow more efficient!


New Feature: Search and Filter Chats

You can now search and filter your chats by unread, read, and contact names. This makes it easier to find and manage your conversations.



  • Reworked Text Editor

    Tweaked Text Editor and Added Text alignment.