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  5. How to Add a New Task

How to Add a New Task

  1. Navigate to Tasks:

    • On the left-hand side menu, under the “CRM System” section, click on “Tasks.”

Step 2: Open the Add Task Form

  1. Click Add Task:

    • In the Tasks section, click on the “+ Add Task” button located at the top right of the page. This will open the Add Task form.

Step 3: Fill Out the Task Details

  1. Name:

    • Enter the name of the task. This should be a brief but descriptive title of what the task entails.

  2. Description:

    • Provide a detailed description of the task. Include any relevant information that will help the assigned person understand what needs to be done.

  3. Start Date:

    • Click on the date picker to select the start date of the task.

  4. Expired Date:

    • Set the deadline for the task by choosing the expired date. This indicates when the task needs to be completed.

  5. Responsible Person:

    • Select the team member responsible for completing the task from the dropdown list.

  6. Observer Person:

    • Choose any team members who should observe the task. These individuals will be kept informed about the task’s progress.

  7. Type:

    • Select the type of task. For example, it could be a follow-up call, meeting, email, etc.

  8. CRM:

    • Choose the relevant CRM entry (if applicable) that this task is associated with. This helps in linking the task to specific contacts, deals, or leads.

Step 4: Submit the Form

  1. Review Entries:

    • Double-check all the information you’ve entered to ensure it is correct and complete.

  2. Submit:

    • Once you have filled in all the necessary details, click the “Submit” button at the bottom of the form.

  3. Confirmation:

    • A confirmation message will appear, indicating that the task has been successfully added to the system.

Managing Tasks

  • View and Edit Tasks:

    • You can view all tasks in the Tasks section. Click on a task to view its details or edit it if necessary.

  • Update Status:

    • Change the status of a task (e.g., Pending, Completed, Overdue) by clicking on the status indicator next to each task.

  • Delete Tasks:

    • If a task is no longer needed, you can delete it by clicking the trash bin icon in the Actions column.

Additional Tips

  • Notifications:

    • Ensure notifications are set up so responsible and observer persons receive alerts about task deadlines and updates.

  • Filters:

    • Use the filter options in the Tasks section to quickly find tasks based on status, responsible person, or other criteria.

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